This website

Website is served at URL:


Website uses Google reCAPTCHA v3, which is mostly invisible method of filtering out spammers from forms. The greCAPTCHA operates by analysing anonymously user behavior on website and creating value that represents how confident the service is that user is not automated bot. Google promises this data is perfectly anonymized and users cannot be tracked with the information collected.

Multilingual support is achieved using Polylang, which needs cookies to track user’s preferred language.

Website uses GDRP compliant cookie notification. This tool requires cookies to remember user preferences, these cookies are stored for 11 months, so user does not need to redo selections upon every page load.

Embedded content

The website uses Facebook and Instagram feed plugins, which may recognize if you are logged in either service and provide additional features.

Sharing your information

If you request password reset, your IP address will be included in email sent for recovering the account.

How long is data stored

Admin accounts stores any personal information you may want to share. This is not publicly visible, but any other Admin will be able to see details you’ve entered.

Your rights to your data

If you have account on website, you may request any and all data we have on that account, which includes any personal data you have shared. You may also request removal of your personal data. Any data that we are not legally required to store will be removed.

Where we send your data

Your information will not be shared to outside sources.